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Stanford/Elsevier Top 2% Scientist Rankings 2024: When to Expect

Stanford/Elsevier Top 2% Scientist Rankings 2024

Stanford/Elsevier Top 2% Scientist Rankings 2024 is a highly anticipated annual list that recognizes the most influential researchers worldwide. As we approach the end of 2024, many scientists are eagerly awaiting the release of this year’s rankings. Let’s explore what we can expect from the 2024 edition and how you can stay updated.

When Will the 2024 Rankings Be Released?

Based on previous years’ patterns, we can anticipate the Stanford/Elsevier Top 2% Scientist Rankings 2024 to be published in the first or second week of October. Because mostly it was published in October, the only exception was the 2019 list, which was published on July 6, 2019. Here’s a quick look at past release dates:

  • 2023 list: Published on October 4, 2023
  • 2022 list: Published on October 10, 2022
  • 2021 list: Published on October 19, 2021
  • 2020 list: Published on October 8, 2020
  • 2019 list Published on July 6, 2019

How to Stay Informed

To ensure you don’t miss the announcement, consider these options:

  1. Bookmark and regularly check
  2. Subscribe to the newsletter on the above website
  3. Monitor the official Elsevier dataset page:
  4. Keep an eye on the comparison page:

Checking Your Inclusion

Once the list is published, you can easily search for your name using the user-friendly tool created by DataMetaLab. Visit to:

  • Search for your name or institution
  • Create your profile if you’re included in the list
  • Explore detailed information about top researchers


As we await the release of the Stanford/Elsevier Top 2% Scientist Rankings 2024, researchers worldwide are anticipating this recognition of their scientific contributions. Whether you’re hoping to see your name on the list or simply interested in the landscape of influential research, stay tuned for the announcement in early October. Remember to check the provided resources regularly for the most up-to-date information.

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